


Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9AM - 8PM

If you are keen on joining a makeup school but still worried about its scope in the market, you can keep all your worries aside and join a renowned institute without any further thought. In fact, there are several advantages of enrolling in a makeup institute like the IIBC. Here, you get many opportunities to hone your creative abilities, as you get exposure to many new skills and techniques taught by well-qualified and experienced teachers from different genres of the fashion industry. Further, here you get hands-on experience in beauty makeup by trying out the same on actual clients..


Founded in 2010 by Dr. ( major ) Chetna Mohan and Dr. ( col) Ajay Mohan, IInstitute of Beauty and Cosmetology 11bc is an emerging centre that aims to provide a holistic environment for aspirants of the beauty and cosmetology industry. We provide job-oriented training in all aspects of beauty and wellness including Makeup, Hair Care, Cosmetology, Skin Care and Nail Art , medical beauty in a very relaxed & professional environment